Part One – Do you or someone you know suffer from ADHD?

There are mental health issues and then there is ADHD.  This condition is named Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder because of a combination of issues that attempt to compete at the same time. The two main issues is Hyperactivity and Attention Problems.  There are times when each and every one of us suffers from this, but when it is constant, further evaluation may be necessary.

This is part One of ADHD. We will look into the 3 types of ADHD, the symptoms associated and even take a peek into ADD – or when ADHD is seen in Adults.

Part Two will look into causes of ADHD, the diagnosis, and the management of ADHD.  Tune in for Part Two.

ADHD is often studied in school age children. This is when it is first seen or when parents complain about the symptoms.  ADHD, in fifty percent of the cases, continues to be an issue into adulthood.  Boys are affected more than twice the occurrence than girls. There are still many who think that the reason for this is screening error. It may be easier to see that ADHD symptoms in boys than girls and many people suggest that girls may be under diagnosed.

Types of ADHD

There are 3 main classification or subtypes. ADHD is seen as a developmental disorder where difficulty in some areas are seen.

Such areas may be impulse control, hyper activity, disruptive behavior, conduct behavior, antisocial behavior, and more.

Most of the symptoms can be divided into two categories. Depending on where the symptoms are found, this tells us what classification a child falls under.

Symptoms can be divided into Hyperactive-Impulsive or Inattentive

Let’s look at the 3 classifications

1.)     Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive

–          Most of the symptoms would fall under the Hyperactive-Impulsive
–          Very few symptoms in Impulsive

2.)     Predominantly Inattentive

–          Most of the symptoms would fall under the Impulsive
–          Very few symptoms in Hyperactive-Impulsive
–          This classification finds children who are less likely to act out.
–          They may be sitting quietly, but not paying attention
–          These children are often overlooked.

3.)    Hyperactive-Impulsive and Inattentive

–           Has many symptoms in both areas
–          Most children with this diagnosis are found in this classification.


Symptoms are the most difficult part of this diagnosis. As you will read, many children, if not all children will have a symptom or two or three, depending on the day, the time, or that activity. One or two symptoms should be viewed as nothing more than a normal childhood. It’s when many symptoms are present on a daily basis.

Symptoms of Inattentive

–          Easily distracted
–          Misses details
–          Forget things
–          Quickly switch activities
–          Becomes easily bored
–          Difficulty focusing attention
–          Difficulty Organizing a task
–          Difficulty finishing a task
–          Often loses things
–          Doesn’t listen when spoken too
–          Daydreams
–          Easily becomes confused
–          Struggles to follow instructions


Symptoms for Hyperactive-Impulsive

–          Squirms in seats
–          Fidgets constantly
–          Talks nonstop
–          Runs around
–          Plays with everything possible
–          Difficulty sitting during meals, school and/or other times
–          Constantly in motion
–          Difficulty doing things/activities that require quietness or soft voices
–          Very impatient
–          Difficulty waiting for their turn
–          Say out loud inappropriate comments
–         Act without an understanding of consequences
–          Act without an understanding of consequences


ADHD when moves into adults turns into ADD or Adult Attention-Deficit Disorder.  Adults typically exhibit symptoms when they were children. Symptoms may have improved slightly or changed as they became older. Some symptoms may remain the same, it just depends on the case and person.

Often, in Adults, ADHD is not treated or not well treated. The problem here is that a large number of adults who have attention-deficit disorder, turn to alcohol or drugs to control their minds, activities, and symptoms.

In addition to ADD, adults with this condition may also have worsening depression, learning problems, and the drug or alcohol abuse. These can compound the problems, cause legal problems, alienate from family and friends.

Not everyone believes ADHD continues into adulthood. They may be miss diagnosed or brushed off as someone who needs better self control.


Remember to look at Part Two as we will discuss management and treatment of ADHD.

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