What is Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is one of the most common and universal symptom of pregnancy.  In many women, it starts and ends like clockwork. It can be so overwhelming as to be the deciding factor for some women to stop getting pregnant. It can affect more than half of all pregnancies.

As in many things, some women forget completely about it before they become pregnant. Then their next pregnancy comes and they tend to ask themselves, how in the world they could ever have forgotten this in the first place? I love reminding them what they have in store in just under nine months. Giving birth and the pain if often forgotten as well.  But forgetting morning sickness and the pain of birth is probably a good thing, or no one would consent to suffering through it again.

Morning sickness hits every female who experience its symptoms differently.  It may even hit the same female differently depending on each pregnancy.  Often it is nausea that occurs in the morning. Eating or not eating may make it worse.

Vomiting, rather than missing your period, may be the first sign of pregnancy.  When it happens every morning, non-stop, this can be a giveaway.

In serious cases, the nausea and vomiting, can lead to a feeling of fatigue, dehydration, weight loss, and other symptoms. When serious cases present, the health of the child may be at risk.

The condition doesn’t usually last through the entire pregnancy. Often, after the first trimester, or about the 12th week of pregnancy, it stops. But, as in everything else in life, this isn’t always the case.

Causes of Morning Sickness

1.)  Increased Estrogen hormone

–  This is generally accepted as the most common cause of morning sickness. Estrogen levels can increase dramatically during this period.

2.)   Increased Progesterone hormone

–   This hormone causes a relaxation in the uterus and possibly the stomach. The theory is that this allows for increased heartburn, stomach acids, and worsening reflux.

3.)    Low blood sugar

–   As the baby and especially the placenta develop, a large amount of energy is used to help with development.

4.)    Increased sensitivity to foods and odors

–   Improved senses and decreased food intake may cause increased likelihood to nausea related to smells and foods. Foods that appear, in the mind, to be savory, once smelled loose all desire.


There is no cure or preferential treatment.  Each person will have their own remedy. It may work once or more often than not.

–  Eat crackers in morning
–  Avoid an empty stomach.
–  Four or Five meals per day
–  Give into some food cravings – though not all.   But eat when hungry.
–  Drink fluids often after eating solid foods.
–  Chew and Crunch ice cubs if tendency to vomit fluids.
–  Medications may have to be given during pregnancy for patients who have serious or concerning morning sickness.

Serious Morning Sickness

In some cases, this condition, gets so problematic that nutrition and health for the mother and baby are visible.

This condition graduates from morning sickness to Hyperemesis gravidarum.   It really affects less than 2 out of  every 100 pregnancies.   The overall cause is unknown but it is believed to be associated with hormones.   In other words, this is morning sickness, on heavy steroids.

Treatment is often associated with symptoms.  IV fluids for dehydration. Medication for nausea and food replacement.  Many times, hospitalization may occur as the risk for the child increases without proper nutrition.

Whatever level of your morning sickness is affecting you.  Know that you are not alone and it won’t last forever. Everyone says, they can do something, anything for a few weeks. Pregnant women prove this time and time again.

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